Before registering a trademark, it’s important to know if the mark is available for use.

Trademark Clearance

You’ve come up with THE recipe for barbeque sauce. Before you adopt a trademark or logo, you want to know that it’s available for use. Adopting a mark, logo, or design that’s identical or confusingly similar to a trademark that is already in use can result in anything from your having to re-brand to getting sued for damages in court. So how do you protect yourself and your business?

The first step is getting a sense of the field: what trademarks have been registered already with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (PTO). Trademark clearance is a complicated process. Searching for design marks and logos is even more complex. We occasionally hear from people that have searched the PTO database themselves and now just want an attorney to file their trademark application. Some people and small businesses file an application without even attempting a search. There are good reasons, however, why it makes sense for you not to cut corners when it comes to trademark search and clearance. Contact one of our attorneys to obtain a clearance search for your mark.

Contact us to get started.

Attorney consultation requests can be submitted by filling this form. One of our trademark attorneys will respond to inquiries directly.  You may also call us at (212) 967-1350.

The trademark attorneys at Lewis & Lin are responsive, easy to work with, and fair!

— Harvey Moscot (CEO), Moscot NYC